


【 「Intel Performance Acceleration Technology」またはそれに関する用語の意味 】
出典: Performance acceleration technology 『フリー百科事典 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 最終更新 21 March 2017, at 03:35 UTC、URL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Performance_acceleration_technology

The Intel Performance Acceleration Technology (PAT) is technology built onto Intel i875 Canterwood mainboards and other Pentium 4 based motherboards that based on the Intel D875PBZ reference board. Performance Acceleration Technology delivers additional system-level performance by optimizing memory access between CPU and system memory, allowing increased performance to be exhibited at standard operating specification.There are three types of Performance Mode: Disabled, Partially enabled, and fully Enabled. There may be BIOS settings that affect this parameter. The PAT status is reported by some versions of Memtest86 and CPU-Z, and at boot time by Dell motherboards.Asus managed to turn this same feature on, on their 865PE chipset based boards but called it "Memory Acceleration Mode" (MAM) to avoid infringement issues...

IT用語同義語・関連語【Intel Performance Acceleration Technology】
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同義語・類義語 関連語・その他
Intel Performance Acceleration Technology MAM
PAT Memory Acceleration Mode
Performance Acceleration Technology メモリ・アクセラレーション・モード
Performance acceleration technology メモリアクセラレーションモード

更新日:2021年 5月30日

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